Nikiwe Full Story, Plot Summary, Episodes, Casts, Teasers: The countdown to the first episode of’s Nikiwe has officially begun. The show premieres on April 17,...
Smoke & Mirrors Full Story, Plot Summary, Episodes, Casts, Teasers: A new South African soapie called “Smoke & Mirrors” will debut on on April 17,...
Gqeberha: The Empire Full Story, Plot Summary, Episodes, Casts, Teasers: It’s a brand-new year, and, of course, entertainment fans are eagerly anticipating new content to satisfy...
Isitha: The Enemy Full Story, Plot Summary, Episodes, Casts, Teasers: Have you ever thought about what happens when a preacher starts a life of crime? The...
Giyani 3 Full Story, Plot Summary, Episodes, Casts, Teasers: Mzansi’s talented writing team, Gwydion Beynon and Phathu Makwarela of Tshedza Pictures, crafted a captivating telenovela. It centers...
Verbode Liefde Full Story, Plot Summary, Episodes, Casts, Teasers: Turkish telenovelas are known for their thrilling stories and have gained lots of fans. After the latest...
Dynasty 3: Full Story, Cast, Plot Summary & Teasers: a modern reboot of the iconic 1980s TV series, has captivated audiences with its enthralling drama and...
Scandal Full Story, Cast, Plot Summary & Teasers: “Scandal” is a thrilling American TV series that starred Kerry Washington. Shonda Rhimes created the show, and it...
The Lord of the Skies Full Story, Plot Summary, Episodes, Casts, Teasers: “The Lord of the Skies” is a Crime & Drama TV Series that aired...
Binnelanders Full Story, Plot Summary, Episodes, Casts, Teasers: “Binnelanders, formerly known as Binneland and Binneland Sub Judice, is a South African Afrikaans soap opera. The show...
Diepe Waters Full Story, Plot Summary, Episodes, Casts, Teasers: “Diepe Waters” is a story about families who will do anything to win, but find it hard...
Arendsvlei Full Story, Plot Summary, Episodes, Casts, Teasers: Arendsvlei, which means ‘Eagle Valley,’ is a South African soap opera. It has a cast that mainly consists...
Naagin Full Story, Plot Summary, Episodes, Casts, Teasers: “Naagin” is a Hindu word that means a female serpent. The TV series that you can watch on...
Sibongile & The Dlaminis Full Story, Plot Summary, Episodes, Casts, Teasers: “The South African show ‘Sibongile & The Dlaminis’ tells the amazing story of Sibongile Mbambo....
7de Laan Full Story, Plot Summary, Episodes, Casts, Teasers: Don’t worry about Mexican soap operas, because South African shows have taken the spotlight. They’re as real...
The River 6 Full Story, Plot Summary, Episodes, Casts, Teasers: “The River” follows the story of Khanyisa Diamond, the owner of a diamond mine, and the...
Gomora Full Story, Plot Summary, Episodes, Casts, Teasers: The series tells a story about two families. One family is led by a man who became rich...
Roekelose Dade Full Story, Plot Summary, Episodes, Casts, Teasers: “Hayat Şarkısı” (English title: “Roekelose Dade“) is a Turkish romantic drama TV series. It stars Burcu Biricik,...
Nurses 4 Full Story, Plot Summary, Episodes, Casts, Teasers: “Nurses (Spanish: Enfermeras) is a Colombian medical drama TV show made by Ana María Pérez. It was on...