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DJ Lamiez Holworthy Reveals She’s Now Fine After Being Sexually Harassed (Sip Full Tea Inside)


Sensational Tv host and DJ, Lamiez Holworthy confirms she is much better after being sexually harassed and expressing her feelings about her body. 

This comes after the Dj went to perform for an event and someone pulled  her hair and another one or two touched her butt as security tried to escort her. She stated clearly that what happened to her yesternight made her feel violated to an extent that she has never felt for a full 11 years of her being in the entertainment industry.

She further stated clearly that she wants to move on from this hence she wants to stop talking about it because talking about it just makes her start all over again and cry. Lamiez made a closure to this statement by stating that her body shall be respected, she is not an object.

See tweet below