Celeb Gossip
Eccentric!!… Siya And Rachel Kolisi Change The Game With Their Anniversary Celebration [Videos]
Siya Kolisi and Rachel Kolisi celebrate 4th wedding anniversary a whole lot different from the previous three anniversaries.

South African rugby player, Siya Kolisi and his wife Rachel Kolisi are probably the cutest couple there is to be, cant believe its been four years already since they got married.
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The couple have been celebrating their previous anniversaries with beautiful pictures and sharing deep words. But this year they decided to be a bit eccentric with their anniversary.
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Siya wished Rachel a happy anniversary saying he can’t imagine his world without her and she replied to him playfully saying; “I can’t imagine your world without me too.”
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The couple shared embarrassing photos and videos of each other. But the video that took the cake and got everyone talking, was the video where Siya was teaching Rachel to dance.
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