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Celeb Gossip

If you get these 5 messages on Valentine’s Day, you are the side piece


But when the day came, all you had to show for yourself are WhatsApp messages.

If you get any of these messages, you are probably the side piece.

Valentine’s Day is on a Monday, so this excuse may seem tenable but do not be tempted to believe them. Anyone who travels for work on Valentine’s Day is cheating, either on you or with you.

You will get this message on the 15th of February because they would be unreachable on Valentine’s Day and who are you to dispute urgent car repairs?

Well, can you complain that you didn’t get anything for Valentine’s Day when the life of his or her parents was hanging on a figurative line?

They will say things like, “I don’t need a special day to show you I love you,” Be wary of this kind of people. When they meet someone they love, they will move heaven and earth to make them happy. You are just not that important.

You never know the nature of what came up, but something came up and of course, they will be very sorry but promise to “make it up” but that Valentine’s romance you are looking for, you are not getting it.

Finally, if nothing happens, no calls, no texts, no explanation, nothing. Then, you might have been dating yourself.

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