Minister Of Arts And Culture, Nathi Mthethwa Accused Of Trading Sex For Job [Full Gist]
All day twitter users have been talking about what annoys them with South Africa Minister Of Arts And Culture, Nathi Mthethwa and a twitter user mentioned something that caught our attention.

A very bold twitter user, @therealelonzo says his most annoying attribute was that the Minister Of Arts And Culture, Nathi Mthethwa trades sex to give jobs and then leave the qualified workers unemployed.
We can only wonder how true this sexual accusations about the minister is.
See tweet below;

Other citizens and twitter users took advantage of this forum to express themselves. It seems the minister has angered lots of citizens.
SeEE ALSO; Bonang Reveals Minister Of Arts And Culture, Nathi Annoys Her… Turns Out The Entire Country Feels The Same [See Proof]
The minister cant seem to take all the pressure as he has deleted his post asking Bonang Matheba to express her concerns about him. The amount of things people were concerned have pushed him past his limit. But we at Vuzacast still have proof.
See deleted tweet below;

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