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PHOTO | King Charles’ new Coronation emblem unveiled


A new emblem for the coronation of King Charles has been unveiled.

The royal family on Friday shared the emblem that “will feature throughout the historic events in May, including street parties, community gatherings and on official merchandise”.

In a series of tweets, details of the emblem were shared, including that it features “the rose of England, the thistle of Scotland, the daffodil of Wales and the shamrock of Northern Ireland,” which form a circle around St Edward’s Crown that will be placed on the king’s head during the ceremony.

Most interestingly, the emblem was designed by Sir Jony Ive – the same man who designed the iPhone, iPad and iPod, People reports. 

“The emblem speaks to the happy optimism of spring and celebrates the beginning of this new Carolean era for the United Kingdom. The gentle modesty of these natural forms combine to define an emblem that acknowledges both the joyful and profound importance of this occasion.”

— Sir Jony Ive


King Charles III Coronation emblem.

King Charles III Coronation emblem.

The emblem’s release comes after the royal family launched an official website detailing the formalities and celebrations for the momentous occasion, to take place over three days from 6 – 8 May.

READ MORE | Royals launch new website ahead of King Charles’ coronation – everything we know so far

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