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Proteas lose vital Super League point after slow over-rate in 3rd England ODI


While they have improved their position in trying to qualify for the World Cup later this year in India by winning the ODI series against England 2-1, there was bad news for the Proteas on Thursday following the third ODI in Kimberley. 

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A statement from the International Cricket Council (ICC) confirmed that Temba Bavuma’s charges were not only docked 20% of their match fee but also lost a Super League point for their tardiness during the first innings of the clash while bowling to England. 

The latter is certainly more of a concern for South Africa as they look to India and the World Cup later this year. 

“Referees imposed the sanction after South Africa were ruled to be one over short of the target after time allowances were taken into consideration,”  the statement read.

“In accordance with Article 2.22 of the ICC Code of Conduct for Players and Player Support Personnel, which relates to minimum over-rate offences, players are fined 20 per cent of their match fee for every over their side fails to bowl in the allotted time. 

“In addition, as per Article 16.12.2 of the ICC Men’s Cricket World Cup Super League Playing Conditions, a side is penalised one point for each over short. Consequently, South Africa will lose one point from their points tally in the Super League standings.”

A formal hearing wasn’t necessary for the offence as Bavuma had pleaded guilty and accepted the sanctions proposed by the ICC.

South Africa are currently in ninth position on the Super League table with 78 points, with the West Indies in 8th position with 88 points.

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