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Speedster Zas extends Stormers contract by 3 years


Leolin Zas. (Photo by Grant Pitcher/Gallo Images)

Leolin Zas. (Photo by Grant Pitcher/Gallo Images)

Exciting winger Leolin Zas has signed a contract extension with the Stormers.

The three-year deal means the speedster will be on the Cape franchise’s books until at least 2026.

The 27-year-old made his Stormers debut in 2016 but left to play for the Sharks between 2018 and 2019. He returned to the Cape in 2020 and was the top try-scorer in the URC last season with 11 tries, helping the Stormers claim the inaugural title.

Zas’ efforts also saw him rewarded with a call-up to the SA A squad.

Stormers coach John Dobson was delighted to have Zas on board for the long haul.

“Leolin is a deadly finisher, that much is obvious to anyone who has watched us play over the last year,” Dobson said in a statement on the Stormers website.

“What is perhaps even more impressive is the way he has come back from injury time and again and grown his game over the years to become the player he is today.

“He is exactly the kind of player you want to have on your side, so to know he is here for another three years lifts the whole squad.”

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Zas added: “I already have so many fond memories in a Stormers jersey. I first played for this team when I was 19 and each time feels just as special as it did then.

“I am excited to see what we can still achieve together here and very happy to be part of that journey for the next three years.”

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