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Stellenbosch FC confirm death of club’s youngest-ever PSL goalscorer Oshwin Andries


DStv Premiership outfit Stellenbosch FC confirmed that midfielder Oshwin Andries died on Saturday. 

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Hours after clawing their way to a 2-1 victory against Chippa United, the club released a statement announcing Andries’ death.

Stellenbosch FC did not divulge any details on how the player died and said they would provide further details in due course.

A statement from the club read: “It is with deep sadness that Stellenbosch FC has learned of the untimely passing of promising young defender, Oshwin Andries.

“The Club is not in a position to provide further information at this stage and asks that his family’s privacy is respected in this difficult time of bereavement.

“Andries was a gifted young footballer who graduated from the SFC Academy to make his professional debut at the age of 18.

“He later became the club’s youngest-ever goalscorer in the DStv Premiership and captained South Africa at the recent U-20 AFCON COSAFA qualifiers.

“His presence, both on the pitch and off it, will be sorely missed. The thoughts and prayers of everyone at Stellenbosch FC are with his family, friends and loved ones.

“A further statement will follow in due course.”

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