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Celeb Gossip

Thandi and Mapaseka Continue Clashing Over Assault Allegations.


Radio 2000 presenter Mapaseka Mokwele got fired because her colleague and friend accused her of physically hurting her.

A few months later, Mapaseka Mokwele took her friend and colleague Thandi Makubele to court, seeking R300,000 in damages due to the harm she believed was caused to her reputation.

According to Sunday World, she took Mapaseka Mokwele to court too. Thandi Makubele is asking for R500,000 and says she was hurt and felt really bad because of what happened between them.

This problem started when they were at a conference in Cape Town in September 2022. Thandi Makubele said her former friend kicked her a few times because Thandi told the panel that Mapaseka was important. She even showed pictures of bruises on her leg to their colleagues.

The school they worked at, Wits Business School (WBS), tried to fix the problem. They wanted to talk to Mapaseka and Thandi and find out what really happened. But Thandi didn’t want to meet and was scared of Mapaseka. Because Thandi didn’t go to the meeting, Mapaseka couldn’t prove she didn’t do anything wrong, and WBS later fired her.

Mapaseka Mokwele said in court papers that Thandi Makubele talked about personal things about her at the conference, which made her uncomfortable. She had already told Thandi not to talk about these things before, but Thandi still did. This caused their friendship to break down further.

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