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Anele Returns As Miss SA Judge Along Side Ex-Miss SA Winners… Bokang, Laurie & Adè


Television personality, Anele Mdoda for the third time has returned to the miss SA judging panel.

Anele Mdoda

The Tv personality along side Former Miss SA winners Bokang Montjane-Tshabalala (2010), Liesl Laurie (2015) and Adè van Heerden (2017) would be judging the first round of the Pageant.

Liesl Laurie (2015)

Anele Mdoda a pro at this give insight on what it really takes as she says “It’s never about the judges; it is the belief the young women have in themselves. We just serve as a springboard; the crown finds the contestant whilst she is looking for it,”
When asked if what she looks for in a candidate changed over the years? “I have always looked for authenticity and a strong sense of self”.

Adè van Heerden (2017)

She went on to add that Zozi walked in and shook all our hands, with a little dip as she greeted, manners from home. It’s who she is – solid and authentic – and she remained like that from the beginning and through all the rounds until she took both crowns. “When you are authentic, you do not need to remember who you said you are.”

However, The Judges obviously have a lot stacked up their plate as the entries recorded for this year pageant was more 2,500 and they have to single it down to 35 then the virtual interview rounds would be held.

Bokang Montjane-Tshabalala

Furthermore, she added that “We are not looking for the next Zozi. We want the first you. Be true to yourself.”

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