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“God lives in you,”Pastor Somizi preaches (Video)


Somizi preaches about God living in humans

Somizi Mhlongo takes to his social media accounts to preach to his followers and fans.

The media personality explained spiritual gifts and how it can be utilized to reach a desired level.

Som reminded people that God lives within us, and they should be conscious of it as it powers to success.

“I want to say to you that I had a realization that we all have the same gift, and I’m talking about spiritual gifts… I realized that we were all given the same gifts, it is just the levels that are not just the same, but the levels are not to be on the same level for you to get.”

:If God lives within us, than why don’t we utiliise the power. There is nothing wrong with people who are highly intuned, but there’s pr.I encourage to be intune, find that spiritual intunesss, you will find how powerful you are…”

“I want to say to you that I had a realization that we all have the same gift, and I’m talking about spiritual gifts… I realized that we were all given the same gifts, it is just the levels tare no just the same, but the levels are not to be on the same level for you to get wher eyou want to go to. We are made in the image of God and I believe God lives within us . If God lives within us, than why don’t we utiliise the power that God possesses. There is nothing wrong with people that are highly intuned, but there’severthing completely wrong whith people that are completely untuned. We don’t realise that all we are looking for outside is within us. I encourage to be intune, find that spiritual intunesss, you will find how powerful you are…”

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