Celeb Gossip
Jub Jub Is On Instagram… Firing SHOTS! [See Screenshots]
TV host and former jailbird, Jub Jub sternly reminds people he used to beg to give him gigs when he was out of prison on parole to remember when he used to beg then for jobs and they declined.

Remember, that the tv host served a term in prison after he was convicted for culpable homicide for the death of four children, and was released on parole in 2017.
It is heartwarming to say that ever since he has worked so hard in regaining and capturing the hearts of South Africa and right now at the peak of his career.
What’s juicy is that making waves, is a video of him he posted where he promised revenge to all those who treated him badly during that time, he claims he was abandoned while he was serving term and thus,ginning for revenge now…. (Owww I get chills!)
He furthermore went on to add that he doesn’t care about nothing and no one, and people he begged for jobs during those times should remember.
True to his words that he didn’t care about anyone or their opinion, Jub Jub mite his comment section, giving no room for plenty of talks.