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WATCH | Another tiger on the loose – this time in Edenvale


  • A tiger was spotted in Edenvale on the East Rand on Monday morning.
  • The Edenvale CPF warned residents to be on the lookout and keep all animals indoors.
  • Just more than a week ago, an 8-year-old female tiger, Sheba, escaped from its enclosure on a smallholding in the south of Johannesburg and attacked a resident.

Members of the Edenvale community policing forum (CPF) say a tiger was spotted roaming the area on Monday morning.

The Edenvale CPF warned residents to be on the lookout and keep all animals indoors.

A video of the tiger has surfaced and shows the wild animal roaming around the yard of an office building at 05:22.

Keshvi Nair, a spokesperson of the National Council of SPCAs, said they informed the Gauteng Department of Agriculture and Rural Development.

“The Edenvale SPCA is currently investigating the matter. The National Council of SPCAs has contacted and alerted [the Gauteng Department of Agriculture and Rural Development] regarding this case, given that they are responsible for issuing permits and allowing these dangerous and wild animals to be kept in captivity in a residential area,” Nair said.

Just more than a week ago, an eight-year-old female tiger, Sheba, escaped from its enclosure on a smallholding in the south of Johannesburg.

Sheba was eventually found and euthanised for the safety of the community of Walkers Fruit Farms.

Before being euthanised, Sheba attacked 39-year-old William Mokoena, landing him in hospital. The tiger also attacked a pig and two dogs. Both dogs had to be put down due to the severity of their injuries.

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