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WATCH | NSPCA investigating case of animal cruelty after footage shows dog forced to pull a car


  • CCTV cameras in Sydenham, Johannesburg, captured a group of people making a dog pull a car.
  • Only after a resident confronts the individuals, is the dog untied from the car.
  • The NSPCA is investigating a case of animal cruelty.

The National Council of Societies for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (NSPCA) is investigating a case of animal cruelty after a group of people were filmed making a dog pull a car.

The incident happened on 21 January on Dunvegan Street in Sydenham, Johannesburg, and has left people in the area fuming.

Concerned residents shared the footage with News24.

In the video a man stands in front of the dog holding a rugby ball-like object in his hand, baiting the dog to move forward, pulling the car along with it.

When a concerned resident tells the group of people that they shouldn’t be doing that to a dog, the man insults the resident and tells her to call the SPCA.

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Eventually, the man unleashes the dog from the car, and they head in the direction of the park.

A resident who wanted to remain anonymous said she was threatened when she told the individuals they were abusing the dog.

NSPCA spokesperson Keshvi Nair told News24 the actions were concerning and that the dog could have been injured.

“This is a huge welfare concern which needs to be investigated immediately,” Nair said.

The organisation’s special investigating unit is looking into the matter.

“It also appears that someone is in the car and [could be] revving the vehicle, which makes matters worse,” Nair said.

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