Celeb Gossip
“BIIIG MOVES”… Tino Chinyani SCREAMS as Prince Kaybee Shows Off His R900K Mercedes-Benz C-Class Coupé
Prince Kaybee‘s great achievements has since not stop blowing the minds of many and popular model Tino Chinyani falls in the line of the many who seems shocked.

The 31 year old DJ, who won’t stop flaunting his newly acquired Mercedes-Benz C-Class Coupé worth R900K on the Instagram shared his grass to grace story

Upcoming Baby Daddy, Tino Chinyani‘s who also acquired Mercedes Benz S350 worth R800K days ago was seen praising Prince Kaybee’s hustle.

Replying to Prince Kaybee’s post on instagram, Tino said “BIIIIIG MOVE”

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