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JUST IN | Presidency says Ramaphosa asks Mabuza to stay on ‘until modalities of departure finalised’


Deputy President David Mabuza has resigned.

Deputy President David Mabuza has resigned.

PHOTO: Brenton Geach, Gallo Images

  • President Cyril Ramaphosa’s spokesperson, Vincent Mangwena, on Sunday confirmed that Deputy President David Mabuza had been asked to remain in his position until modalities around his departure are finalised. 
  • Mangwena confirmed for the first time that Mabuza had made his intentions clear that he wanted to step aside from his role. 
  • This confirmation comes after Mabuza publicly said that it was only a matter of time before Ramaphosa announced his departure.

President Cyril Ramaphosa has asked his deputy, David Mabuza, to remain in his position until such time as “the modalities around his departure are finalised”.

This was the confirmation given by the office of the Presidency on Sunday morning.

Speaking out for the first time to News24 on the deputy president’s request to Ramaphosa to step down from his role, presidency spokesperson Vincent Mangwena said: “Deputy President Mabuza has expressed his desire to step down from his position following the outcomes of the governing party’s leadership elections in December.”

He added that despite such a request being made, “the president has asked that the deputy president remains in his role until such a time as the modalities of his departure and transition have been finalised.” 

This confirmation comes after Mabuza himself confirmed on Saturday that he was making way for the newly elected deputy president of the ANC, Paul Mashatile. 

READ | David Mabuza confirms his resignation: ‘I am making space for the one elected at conference’

He said he believed it was logical that he resigns as the country’s second-in-command to make space for Mashatile, who was elected ANC deputy president at the party’s December conference. 

Mabuza spoke for the first time publicly on Saturday at a family funeral in Mpumalanga, telling congregants that he had informed Ramaphosa that he had resigned as deputy president of the country. 

“I am making space for the one elected at the conference because I can see he [Mashatile] is also making a few moves. So now I am also in a rush to give them space. I spoke to the president and told him I would step down.” 

“The president will say that Mabuza has resigned. He [Ramaphosa] and I had an agreement. I said I would respect the president until I leave, so I have left, and I think those left will continue to respect him,” Mabuza said on Saturday.

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