Celeb Gossip
Mr Handsome SAVAGES Thickleeyonce In New Tweet… And It’s EPIC
A twitter user with the handle name Mr. Handsome, has been trending on twitter for attacking any tweet he sees wrong and defends any he perceives right. He is now going all out for the Youtuber, Thickleeyonce, For attacking SA men.

Thickleeyonce has been said to recently trend on the bad side of social media as tweeps are now taking out time to dig out her flaws and Mr. Handsome sees it fit to blast her after body shaming the skinny people and hitting on the SA men with this tweet.

SEE ALSO: Thick Leeyonce Isn’t Very Happy With Her Body… Here’s Why
“South African men and their small dicks” “Lmaaaoooo are y’ll still dating South African men???”

Digging out, she also said “I feel so bad 4 skinny bitches whose thighs dnt touch! I bet their vagina’s are frozen AF when it’s cold outside”
Replying to this, Mr. Handsome tweeted “This proves that most of the so called Twitter ferminists are driven by hate for men, they are not fully focused on fighting for equality. These are mostly bitter and angry souls, they hijacked a movement that can benefit women if it was led by the right people”

Few trolls on her from tweeps;

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