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Twitter Fight Following Ntsiki Mazwai’s Tweet About Natural Hair And Wigs [Fistful Words Are Flying]


Battle words have been drawn as tweeps are arguing over the validity of Ntsiki’s tweet. Was she right about insecurities being the soul purpose of wigs?


Neither the offense or defense party in this argument is backing down. Its becoming a battle of will and heavy words as tweeps face each other. Ok, here’s a little recap in case you are lost.

So this lady known as Ntsiki Mazwai made a post, more like accusation on twitter. In her post she asked why ‘black women’ cant accept that their confidence lies in their wigs. And why they believe it makes them prettier than their natural hair does.

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To say black women didn’t take it likely would be the understatement of the century. With rage and as much confidence as they could muster, they came back at her. Arguing that because they wear wigs doesn’t mean they aren’t confident in their natural hair. They even went as far as saying Nkitsi is the insecure person and she is just generalizing it.

Although majority are against her, a couple people are on her side. Saying black woman seek the extra beauty because they aren’t proud of their hair. That they are seeking he silky, straight and long hair attributed to whites.

Its been an unending back and forth argument and it wont be ending anytime soon. With this much angry people on one topic, there’s always the jokesters. Some tweeps are just there fr the fun of it and saying funny things. Now that you are all caught up, see tweets below;