Celeb Gossip
Twitter Users SHADES Lasizwe Over His Homosexuality Comment… Tags Him THE ALPHABET GANG!
Lasizwe has since been on everyone’s tweet after he made his suggestion on twitter regarding educating children on homosexuality.

Although some are in support of his suggestion, a larger community seems to be against it. Trolls has since been going on against these two communities and the master minder of this havoc stays quiet.
SEE ALSO: “Kids From The Ages Of 7 Should Be Thought Homosexuality” – Lasizwe
After a much debate between tweeps, the twitter users now tend to fire at Lasizwe tagging him the alphabet gang.
See tweeps reaction below;

Which he is referring to the initialism LGBTTQQIAAP [lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, transsexual, queer, questioning, intersex, asexual, ally, pansexual]
See more replies below;

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