Celeb Gossip
Bonang Reveals Minister Of Arts And Culture, Nathi Annoys Her… Turns Out The Entire Country Feels The Same [See Proof]
A twitter user expressed how Nathi Mthethwa annoys him and Bonang Matheba replied saying she “me too. Very much”.

The minister of arts and culture saw this and invited both of them to share all their concerns with him. This however wasn’t taken too lightly by others as they decided to bombard the minister with all his misdeeds.
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Bonang seems to have unknowingly given voices to others who were too scared to come up and express their anger at the minister.
See Tweet Below;

After her tweet, tweeps have been going non stop mentioning all the minister has done and is still doing that they don’t appreciate.
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The twitter user who originally said he was annoyed by Nathi replied telling him that there’s nothing left to be said that hasn’t been said already and he has always turned a deaf ear to it all. He even went as far as providing examples of previous tweets that were ignored by him.
See Tweets Below;
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